Monday, May 21, 2007

Prince of a town called Nashville

I know what most Chips Quinn Scholars have in common: We all know the lyrics to the theme song for the television show "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

The singing wasn't "American-Idol" worthy, but the camaraderie was beautiful. The stuffy bus was filled to capacity with students sweaty from line dancing and walking through the mild Nashville night. I had three shirts, two of which were soaked, and I was tired from a third day of long, yet productive, orientation sessions and little sleep from being busy in a new city with my fellow Chipsters.

But for that 20-minute ride back to the hotel, I had a different type of energy. It was contagious. Droopy eyes and flushed faces morphed into spirit. For those few minutes, no one was running on fumes.

I will miss that.

I bellowed the lyrics with a smile, remembering that this was the last night in Nashville with the Chips Quinn Scholars. I'm glad I enjoyed it.

-- Bowdeya Tweh, Wayne State University, Detroit Free Press

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