Friday, May 18, 2007

Where I belong

For the first time since my first day as a classroom teacher, I was freaked. When I came to orientation, I wondered: Was I really in the right place? Was I good enough to be here? Could there be a mistake? Would someone tell me before dinner? Feelings of inadequacy continued to follow me as I met scholar after scholar who was at least 10 years younger than me. I couldn’t help thinking that my opportunity to be a journalist might have passed.

Luckily, I met Audrey Burgs from The Des Moines Register and she told me about her entry into journalism in her 40s. She explained that many editors would like a journalist with more life experiences, and she relayed her own stories of surprising her fellow journalists with the story of needing a weekend off to attend her son’s wedding. As we giggled a little about this, I instantly felt myself relax. If Audrey was able to break into the journalism world in her 40s, I, too, could be a happy Chipster and make this career switch years after my college graduation. As I began to open up to fellow Chipsters, I discovered that our experiences are so varied, but that we each deserved to be here. Karen Catone reminded us that there were no mistakes; we all were in the right place. Including me. Even though I still have an anxiety about switching from a successful career, I left orientation's first night inspired. I belong here.

My dream has been to write for a newspaper, and I am one step closer to that becoming a reality. I’m not sure if this means that I will achieve all of my career goals by Sunday afternoon, but at least I know I am where I belong. I am ready to learn and to accept the fact that the road will not be easy, but it is where I want to be.

-- Ivy Farguheson, University of New Mexico, The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wis.

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