Saturday, May 19, 2007

Feeling secure in my choice

Alum LaSharah Bunting of The New York Times talks with scholars in a small group.

I finally feel secure in pursuing a career in journalism.

Feeling like this is not easy – as budding journalists, we’re living in a world of naysayers: Print journalism is dying, a columnist from a prominent newspaper once told me. I only get my news from Web sites now, said one of my friends. Newspaper circulation is getting smaller and smaller, statistics show.

Yet, in an industry full of uncertainties, I have never felt more certain that being a reporter is what I want to do with my life.

Today’s speakers made me feel this way through their encouragement to embrace the changes surrounding journalism. Instead of leaving print journalism to die, we need to evolve into new kinds of journalists. Rather than clinging to the idea of the "traditional" print journalist, we need to be willing to try new things. We need to explore incorporating technology and multimedia to appease the news-hungry readers who are used to having news available at their fingertips. Newspapers don’t have to disappear – they just have to evolve. We need to do this without compromising accuracy and quality writing. This is a challenge that I am more than willing to accept.

The changes will certainly not be easy and nobody can really tell what will be effective and what won’t be, but the idea of being a part of a revolution in this industry is exhilarating. I can be a part of a new wave of journalists. I am eager to have my say in how we change things and try new things in order to keep this industry thriving.

-- Nicole Dungca, Brown University, The Providence (R.I.) Journal

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